I don't know what I'm doing! Teaching is very hard for me here. I'm now teaching math, english and geography-everything but science, which I start on Monday. The British curriculum is so different than the American. The units I'm given to prepare aren't as structured as I'm used to. I have dozens of textbooks and websites to sort through, and pull the best things to help me deliver the information to the students. Planning lessons are so frustrating...I have a good cry daily because I'm so overwhelmed with all the things I have to learn, create lessons for, and teach.

This is really hard. On top of that, I'm sick for the second round of stomach problems, from the food here on campus. Following Dr.'s orders, I haven't eaten anything but broth soup and toast for 3 days. Last time I had a sick stomach here, it lasted for 7 days, so I hope I get better before that. It gets in the way of everything. I'm weak from lack of nutrients, I don't have much energy to plan lessons, and I have to leave the classroom to run to the bathroom.

This is all so humbling. I can't believe I'll be here 5 more weeks. I just want to go home. I'm praying that I will glorify Him in everything that I do. The staff here is so emotionally supportive and encouraging, and I hope that I can be a blessing to the staff and students here as well.