Today was my day of illness and nostalgia. I ate something that made me get sick to my stomach. For the last 48 hours, I've been either in bed, in the bathroom, or in the campus hospital. I haven't eaten anything but broth and toast. Tonight I was diagnosed with dehydration and low blood pressure, so I stayed in the hospital bed for the evening. Being tired, sick and bored made me miss my family so much. There is something about a mother and father's care, and a sister's kiss on the cheek when I'm feeling under the weather. I get to talk with them here on video chat, and I'm so thankful for that, but it's just not the same.

I've been resting and reading a lot. I watched The Time Traveler's Wife, and it just made me miss Aaron more. Sometimes, I go out to the garden just to get some fresh air and sit on the bench. Seeing the kids walk by make me smile. They laugh, play and climb trees. Most of them know I'm sick because this is such a small school. One 4-year-old, Ashley, said in her cute British accent, "I hope you feel better soon, Miss Winter!" One 9-year-old girl, Anna, said to me tonight, "The elementary school prayed for you today. We hope you're feeling better," as I was walking to the campus hospital. What a blessing these beautiful children are. I can't help but smile and thank them. I thank God for the ways he is bringing people as substitutes for my family and Aaron while I'm missing them. Pray for my healing!