Thank God it's Friday! It was a hard couple of days. I became really overwhelmed and wanted to throw the towel in. It has been really dark, emotionally and spiritually. Today, my master teacher, Mark asked, "You need a stiff drink?" He was joking with me of course, and it made me laugh :-)
I am struggling with the British curriculum, preparing classwork and homework, and trying to meet people's expectations. Today, things started looking up. I've been receiving such truthful encouragements, emails, text messages from many people. One of my friends here, Stefanie, has been such a blessing to me. Mark has also been giving me so much support and resources to help me teach efficiently. I thank ALL OF YOU for the bottom of my heart.
I was asked to help out on staff with a junior high girls' dorm event tomorrow. We are going to a beautiful place called Jungle Retreat for the day! I've heard that there is a swimming pool, great food and amazing scenery. I'm so excited to get away and have some fun with the girls! God is giving me all that I need. I'm so grateful.
Hi! I am glad you have this "retreat" . I love you very much! Mom
=^_^=Have fun on your retreat and keep safe out there=*_*=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Emily,
Just want you to know I've been keeping close tabs by talking to Michael. Of course, I've been praying diligently. Glad to hear today things are looking up. It's so wonderful that you have passed all your four tests.
I'm really praying for you to get that job in Chino because from the news, teaching jobs are really scarce!
Mom-I love you too!
Grandad-Thank you for caring enough to ask my dad about me. It's been tough, as you know. Thank you also for your prayers. I love you
Memily! I hope your trip with the girls goes/went great. I'm glad things have started to look up, even if the progress is slow--you'll get there!!
Right now, my facebook AND skype account are being wonky, but I'm going to try to call you (and I hate to say it, but my phone is being wonky as well--keeps freezing and all). BUT hopefully you will be hearing from me very soon!
P.S. I actually tried calling you a couple of minutes ago, but my phone froze during the transfer part, and because it's touch screen and I couldn't enter any numbers, the lady said my call couldn't be completed--but you wouldn't believe what a big biyotch she sounded like! The automatic answer gave me the snottiest rejection ever! But I'm not giving up yet!
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