I'm getting good at killing spiders, moths and silverfish. Bugs are the most difficult thing for me to get accustomed to here, and they are the things that make me the most homesick. My high school core group girls know how much I hate spiders (I had sort of a melt-down at a sleepover once). So, finding at least 4 bugs a day in my room is difficult to get used to! They're big and startling! I don't like to spend much time in my dorm room, so I spend a lot of time outside....There are less bugs out there.
The girls here are so friendly and AWESOME! The ones around my age have invited me to travel and shop with them during this Easter Break. We went to church on Sunday, and lunch with at the pastor's. Following, Amy and I went swimming and read books by the pool on the beautiful sunny day. It feels a bit like Lake Arrowhead here, with the nice weather and lush, gorgeous trees.
On Monday, we braved the 3+ hour trek to Coimbatore. I went with Louise, Wendy and Amy. I love cultural differences between us, and the fact that we all connect so well. These godly women are an Irish math teacher, an Australian music teacher, and an English art teacher.
On Tuesday, I went swimming with Amy, then to dinner at a good Chinese restaurant. I had my first garlic naan! Yumm!
Since then, Amy and I traveled to the Ooty Library, Ooty museum, and a great French restaurant. I'm enjoying my break, even though I feel homesick :-)
OH Emily, I am homesick for you!! I am so glad you are feeling better. What a blessing these women are to you! I have a strong feeling that they consider you as a blessing. You are such a good listener, you are interested in others, and you are so kind to others. I am looking at the Mother's Day card you left for me. So I can't wait to read it! Love, Mom
=*_*=It sounds like you had a good Easter Break. Love the fact that you made some good friends over there. Have a great rest of the week and hear from you soon=^_^=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That sounds so nice!! I'm glad you are getting on well with the other ladies around. And I hate spiders too, so I sympathize :( They are all over Japan.
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