Kids have such creative minds. Today, my students completed part 1 of their standardized writing exam which called for them to write a mystery story. I looked over the detailed grading rubric while they tested, and took up the stack of stories when the time was up. I was pleasantly surprised with the detailed writing, mysterious moods and interesting plots! I actually ENJOYED GRADING! For all you teachers, you know that's a rare occurrence. It took three hours because I wrote comments on each one.
After school, I walked to town on my own to get my currency exchanged to rupees (I do this every couple of weeks). After going to the grocery store, it was jazzercise time! I feel a lot better today physically, and jazz was so fun. It's one of those things that keep me in good spirits here. Well, that and the kids.
Esther and Justin invited me over to have baked potatoes and egg omelets for dinner. It was so good! Those are things I haven't eaten in over 2 months! I am so blessed. Thanks be to God!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
1:16 AM
Hey everybody, I haven't written in awhile because I've been sick. On Monday and Tuesday, I taught while I felt nauseous, leaving the room every once in a while to get sick in the bathroom. I became extremely dehydrated, because my body wasn't holding in anything I was eating. All I was eating was broth, fruit and toast. On Tuesday afternoon, I threw up and realized the illness I had was a bad stomach virus. Because I couldn't stand with out blacking out, a nurse helped me walk from my dorm room to the campus hospital. I was in there 3 days, spending the night, and taking in fluids through an IV. The IV needle was scary for me, and it was in me for 2 full days. I prayed a lot, and tried not to think about it.
I slept at night, getting sick to my stomach every couple hours. I cried a lot. Humility (or humiliation?) covered me, as I had to ring a bell for the nurse to come, every time I needed to go to the bathroom. There were spiders and other bugs around my room, but I was too weak to take care of them. I didn't even have the strength to throw my kleenex and empty juice boxes in the trash, so I had to leave it all on my bedside table which really bothered me because I hate being messy.
I was extremely blessed in the hospital. My supervising teacher, Andrew, came by to give me DVD's, a television set, and a few comforts from my dorm room. I was able to lay in bed and watch British DVD's (which I love!). I watched the first and second season of the British TV show called "Outnumbered," a cute comedy about a family of 3 kids, most of which is improvised. Visitors came to pray for me and encourage me. My students came during their lunch break on Wednesday to give me 20 "Get well soon" cards. That made my day! I set them up on the bed table, reading their kind words over and over. One of my students, Lauren, came to visit me every lunch time to talk with me and cheer me up. One of the doctors, Revathi, checked on me every day and prayed for me continually. Her sympathy and care were so encouraging. She even gave me a sandwich-toaster so I could make my own sandwiches instead of eating in the cafeteria. After the third day, I started eating toast and bananas, and getting up by myself. My strength was regaining. I was "released" from the hospital on Friday afternoon and went back to my dorm. I watched "Where The Heart Is." I relaxed, and read some of my current novel, "Echo in the Darkness" by Francine Rivers. I've lost 11 pounds in the past month from being sick and not eating.
Saturday, I hiked up with Amy and Esther to a spot above the school in the beautiful Ooty mountains. It was good to finally be outdoors. I read my novel while they painted the scene. They're talented artists!
I decided I'm not going to eat in the cafeteria or in the restaurants here a couple of weeks ago at the suggestion of one of the nurses. I've been making my own food with groceries in my dorm room. I haven't had vegetables or meat for 3 weeks. My body is exhausted and my emotions are worn out. I woke up Sunday morning and got sick to my stomach again. Honestly, I'm beginning to feel my hope waning. The days I've been sick here outnumber the days I've been well by far. I'm planning on starting back up with my teaching tomorrow morning, and I hope I have the strength to do so.
I slept at night, getting sick to my stomach every couple hours. I cried a lot. Humility (or humiliation?) covered me, as I had to ring a bell for the nurse to come, every time I needed to go to the bathroom. There were spiders and other bugs around my room, but I was too weak to take care of them. I didn't even have the strength to throw my kleenex and empty juice boxes in the trash, so I had to leave it all on my bedside table which really bothered me because I hate being messy.
I was extremely blessed in the hospital. My supervising teacher, Andrew, came by to give me DVD's, a television set, and a few comforts from my dorm room. I was able to lay in bed and watch British DVD's (which I love!). I watched the first and second season of the British TV show called "Outnumbered," a cute comedy about a family of 3 kids, most of which is improvised. Visitors came to pray for me and encourage me. My students came during their lunch break on Wednesday to give me 20 "Get well soon" cards. That made my day! I set them up on the bed table, reading their kind words over and over. One of my students, Lauren, came to visit me every lunch time to talk with me and cheer me up. One of the doctors, Revathi, checked on me every day and prayed for me continually. Her sympathy and care were so encouraging. She even gave me a sandwich-toaster so I could make my own sandwiches instead of eating in the cafeteria. After the third day, I started eating toast and bananas, and getting up by myself. My strength was regaining. I was "released" from the hospital on Friday afternoon and went back to my dorm. I watched "Where The Heart Is." I relaxed, and read some of my current novel, "Echo in the Darkness" by Francine Rivers. I've lost 11 pounds in the past month from being sick and not eating.
Saturday, I hiked up with Amy and Esther to a spot above the school in the beautiful Ooty mountains. It was good to finally be outdoors. I read my novel while they painted the scene. They're talented artists!
I decided I'm not going to eat in the cafeteria or in the restaurants here a couple of weeks ago at the suggestion of one of the nurses. I've been making my own food with groceries in my dorm room. I haven't had vegetables or meat for 3 weeks. My body is exhausted and my emotions are worn out. I woke up Sunday morning and got sick to my stomach again. Honestly, I'm beginning to feel my hope waning. The days I've been sick here outnumber the days I've been well by far. I'm planning on starting back up with my teaching tomorrow morning, and I hope I have the strength to do so.
- 5 comments for "My time in the campus hospital"

Friday, May 7, 2010
10:33 PM

Since my second bought of being sick to my stomach from the spicy food, I've decided to cook my own food more often. So I went to the store and stocked up on fruit, pasta, sauce, cereal, crackers and things like that. I have a stove top in my dorm room, and here is a picture of my cooking my pasta and marinara for lunch yesterday! Yummy :-) Tonight, The Ketchum family has invited me over for Mexican food!
Teaching has been quite a rollercoaster of emotions lately. It's so very different being a student teacher here than it was in America. It's a real challenge. My students are amazing, though. They're learning so much, and I'm very happy with the argumentative essays they wrote this week.
I've been going to jazzercise in town with a bunch of girlfriends. It's so much fun for me to exercise and dance...It's good for my soul. If you know me, or you love dancing, you know what I mean. I was also invited to the girls dorm's impromptu "dance party," so I danced with my own students! They're so cute, and so much fun to be with.
I leave three weeks from today. I'm looking forward to coming home, at this point.
- 3 comments for "Jazzercise!"

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
6:18 AM
I don't know what I'm doing! Teaching is very hard for me here. I'm now teaching math, english and geography-everything but science, which I start on Monday. The British curriculum is so different than the American. The units I'm given to prepare aren't as structured as I'm used to. I have dozens of textbooks and websites to sort through, and pull the best things to help me deliver the information to the students. Planning lessons are so frustrating...I have a good cry daily because I'm so overwhelmed with all the things I have to learn, create lessons for, and teach.
This is really hard. On top of that, I'm sick for the second round of stomach problems, from the food here on campus. Following Dr.'s orders, I haven't eaten anything but broth soup and toast for 3 days. Last time I had a sick stomach here, it lasted for 7 days, so I hope I get better before that. It gets in the way of everything. I'm weak from lack of nutrients, I don't have much energy to plan lessons, and I have to leave the classroom to run to the bathroom.
This is all so humbling. I can't believe I'll be here 5 more weeks. I just want to go home. I'm praying that I will glorify Him in everything that I do. The staff here is so emotionally supportive and encouraging, and I hope that I can be a blessing to the staff and students here as well.
This is really hard. On top of that, I'm sick for the second round of stomach problems, from the food here on campus. Following Dr.'s orders, I haven't eaten anything but broth soup and toast for 3 days. Last time I had a sick stomach here, it lasted for 7 days, so I hope I get better before that. It gets in the way of everything. I'm weak from lack of nutrients, I don't have much energy to plan lessons, and I have to leave the classroom to run to the bathroom.
This is all so humbling. I can't believe I'll be here 5 more weeks. I just want to go home. I'm praying that I will glorify Him in everything that I do. The staff here is so emotionally supportive and encouraging, and I hope that I can be a blessing to the staff and students here as well.
- 3 comments for "Trying to Stay Positive"

Friday, April 23, 2010
5:00 AM
Thank God it's Friday! It was a hard couple of days. I became really overwhelmed and wanted to throw the towel in. It has been really dark, emotionally and spiritually. Today, my master teacher, Mark asked, "You need a stiff drink?" He was joking with me of course, and it made me laugh :-)
I am struggling with the British curriculum, preparing classwork and homework, and trying to meet people's expectations. Today, things started looking up. I've been receiving such truthful encouragements, emails, text messages from many people. One of my friends here, Stefanie, has been such a blessing to me. Mark has also been giving me so much support and resources to help me teach efficiently. I thank ALL OF YOU for the bottom of my heart.
I was asked to help out on staff with a junior high girls' dorm event tomorrow. We are going to a beautiful place called Jungle Retreat for the day! I've heard that there is a swimming pool, great food and amazing scenery. I'm so excited to get away and have some fun with the girls! God is giving me all that I need. I'm so grateful.
I am struggling with the British curriculum, preparing classwork and homework, and trying to meet people's expectations. Today, things started looking up. I've been receiving such truthful encouragements, emails, text messages from many people. One of my friends here, Stefanie, has been such a blessing to me. Mark has also been giving me so much support and resources to help me teach efficiently. I thank ALL OF YOU for the bottom of my heart.
I was asked to help out on staff with a junior high girls' dorm event tomorrow. We are going to a beautiful place called Jungle Retreat for the day! I've heard that there is a swimming pool, great food and amazing scenery. I'm so excited to get away and have some fun with the girls! God is giving me all that I need. I'm so grateful.
- 5 comments for "T.G.I.F."

Monday, April 19, 2010
9:28 AM
I was glad to get back to teaching after the long ten-day break. It was a good break and all, but I got a bit bored. Toward the end, I got sick of shopping, swimming and watching movies. All those things I can do at home. I'm here to teach, and that's what I wanted to get back to!
On Sunday, I went to church and the preaching was on Romans 5:1-11. The service, worship and people reminded me of EV Free, so I felt like I was at home!I love the grace, peace and hope we have because Christ died for us while we were still sinners. He loves us so much that He sacrificed everything for us, so that we may be saved (vs. 9). I want my life to be all worship to God, for His glory. HE is the reason I'm here, and He is the reason we should live.
Monday was a great full day of teaching Writing, Reading and Math. I was a bit nervous about going back into the classroom after such a long break. I wondered, will I remember all the kids' names? Will I use the wrong terminology? Can I get all the British vocabulary straight again? Well, it went very well! Thank you for all your prayers. I got 4 heartwarming emails from people praying for me on Monday morning. It was encouraging also to hear from my master teacher that I did a good job. Constructive criticism is helpful (I get that a lot), but reflective encouragement from people in authority over me is so good! It's all such a blessing.
This morning, I led the Tuesday morning Bible study for the high schoolers and staff. It went so well! I spoke on the power of the Holy Spirit, telling some things about my experiences in Calcutta and reading a passage frtom 2 Cor. 1. It's a passage about how Paul visits the Corinthians under God's will. The Holy Spirit is the one who enables him to say "Yes" to visiting people. It's a reminder that whenever we do good things, it is because the Spirit is working through us and giving us strength. Its a good reminder for me too!
On Sunday, I went to church and the preaching was on Romans 5:1-11. The service, worship and people reminded me of EV Free, so I felt like I was at home!I love the grace, peace and hope we have because Christ died for us while we were still sinners. He loves us so much that He sacrificed everything for us, so that we may be saved (vs. 9). I want my life to be all worship to God, for His glory. HE is the reason I'm here, and He is the reason we should live.
Monday was a great full day of teaching Writing, Reading and Math. I was a bit nervous about going back into the classroom after such a long break. I wondered, will I remember all the kids' names? Will I use the wrong terminology? Can I get all the British vocabulary straight again? Well, it went very well! Thank you for all your prayers. I got 4 heartwarming emails from people praying for me on Monday morning. It was encouraging also to hear from my master teacher that I did a good job. Constructive criticism is helpful (I get that a lot), but reflective encouragement from people in authority over me is so good! It's all such a blessing.
This morning, I led the Tuesday morning Bible study for the high schoolers and staff. It went so well! I spoke on the power of the Holy Spirit, telling some things about my experiences in Calcutta and reading a passage frtom 2 Cor. 1. It's a passage about how Paul visits the Corinthians under God's will. The Holy Spirit is the one who enables him to say "Yes" to visiting people. It's a reminder that whenever we do good things, it is because the Spirit is working through us and giving us strength. Its a good reminder for me too!
- 5 comments for "Back in the classroom after Easter Break!"

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
8:00 AM
I'm getting good at killing spiders, moths and silverfish. Bugs are the most difficult thing for me to get accustomed to here, and they are the things that make me the most homesick. My high school core group girls know how much I hate spiders (I had sort of a melt-down at a sleepover once). So, finding at least 4 bugs a day in my room is difficult to get used to! They're big and startling! I don't like to spend much time in my dorm room, so I spend a lot of time outside....There are less bugs out there.
The girls here are so friendly and AWESOME! The ones around my age have invited me to travel and shop with them during this Easter Break. We went to church on Sunday, and lunch with at the pastor's. Following, Amy and I went swimming and read books by the pool on the beautiful sunny day. It feels a bit like Lake Arrowhead here, with the nice weather and lush, gorgeous trees.
On Monday, we braved the 3+ hour trek to Coimbatore. I went with Louise, Wendy and Amy. I love cultural differences between us, and the fact that we all connect so well. These godly women are an Irish math teacher, an Australian music teacher, and an English art teacher.
On Tuesday, I went swimming with Amy, then to dinner at a good Chinese restaurant. I had my first garlic naan! Yumm!
Since then, Amy and I traveled to the Ooty Library, Ooty museum, and a great French restaurant. I'm enjoying my break, even though I feel homesick :-)
- 3 comments for "Easter Break!"