Since my second bought of being sick to my stomach from the spicy food, I've decided to cook my own food more often. So I went to the store and stocked up on fruit, pasta, sauce, cereal, crackers and things like that. I have a stove top in my dorm room, and here is a picture of my cooking my pasta and marinara for lunch yesterday! Yummy :-) Tonight, The Ketchum family has invited me over for Mexican food!
Teaching has been quite a rollercoaster of emotions lately. It's so very different being a student teacher here than it was in America. It's a real challenge. My students are amazing, though. They're learning so much, and I'm very happy with the argumentative essays they wrote this week.
I've been going to jazzercise in town with a bunch of girlfriends. It's so much fun for me to exercise and dance...It's good for my soul. If you know me, or you love dancing, you know what I mean. I was also invited to the girls dorm's impromptu "dance party," so I danced with my own students! They're so cute, and so much fun to be with.
I leave three weeks from today. I'm looking forward to coming home, at this point.
=^_^=I like how much you have changed in your physical appearance. Your bangs are getting longer and looking great. It makes me happy to hear that your health recovery is so much better and that your making good decisions on what you eat. This is so great that God is working in you and that prayers really are working. Oh how God is good and He has taught you so much from the very beginning when you came to India for teaching. We should thank our Lord for this wonderful praise He has done in your life for the past two months. So excited to see you soon and enjoy the weather out there=*_*=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Honey, We feel so sad for you since you have been very , very sick. Two nights in the school's hospital, and I.V.! We pray for you all the time! We know you will make it through this tough time. Love, Mom, Dad and Amers
<3<3<3 --> sending it your way.
I really hope things have improved since coming home from the hospital, so that you can have many more dance parties before you leave.
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