I'm here in Ooty safe and sound! When I arrived at the Coimbatore airport at 12 a.m., I waited by the conveyor belt until it was completely empty. I was notified by a smiling Indian staff member, "Your bags aren't here." I have nothing but airplane-soiled clothes, an ipod and some books. WHAT?! WHEN WILL THEY BE HERE? "Your bags won't be coming until maybe Thursday morning," he said with the obnoxious smile still on his face. For those of you who have been to India before, you know what I mean. It's a face-saving mechanism. As he took down all my info and phone number, I remembered that things won't always go as planned, and it's OK!
Andrew, my mentor, picked me up and we talked in the taxi until we arrived at Hebron School at 3:30 a.m. Ooty is a honeymoon destination, among other traveling people. It was so beautiful, I could tell even in the darkness. He gave me a quick tour of the cafeteria, dorms and then gave me my key. My dorm room is so cute! There is a bed, some chairs around a small table, and a desk and chair to do work at. My closet will be put to use when my bags get here (IF my bags get here.) It's all decorated so cute! I have my own bathroom too. I was too excited to sleep, so I journaled.
All this reminds me of my past trips to Calcutta. The humid night air as I walked out of the airport, the cement floors inside simple homes (dorms), the smells (that's right, I'm quite fond of them), the Indian accents and foreign language that is music to my ears. God has done so much through me and within me in this amazing country, and I trust He will do more for His glory in this trip.
It was a shock for me to think about surviving with out my luggage....No toothpaste, no clean underwear or clothing, no shower supplies, no food, no salwars. I worried about offending the locals here by coming outside my dorm with out taking a shower, and in American clothes. I had to really trust God to provide or give everyone understanding. During a quick phone call with my parents, my sister's advice was that I wouldn't leave my dorm room so culturally inappropriate! Hahaha thanks Amy that helps :-/
I met a teacher from America named Stefanie, and she brought me to meet my master teacher, Mark and my 6th Grade class. They were rehearsing for a Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat performance, and when I walked into the auditorium, they all pointed at me and gave me such a warm, excited greeting. "Hi Miss Winter!" was all I could hear. They are so cute!
I bought necessary supplies at the market, which Andrew walked me to in the rain, and I finally got to take a shower. The food is so great here! After dinner, a sweet girl named Elly from the UK invited me over to her flat for tea. Our prayers for a good friend are already answered, as she offered me her clothing and food, as well as her precious time to just talk with me.
I have so much information in my head right now, and dozens of names! I'm loving every minute of it, and God is walking so close to me in all of it. I'm excited to observe in my classroom tomorrow!