Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent which last for 46 days. Ending on Easter Day, Lent is a tradition with the themes of repentence, worship and self sacrifice practiced in the Roman Catholic and some Christian churches. Catholics traditionally observe Ash Wednesday by going to a liturgical service and putting ashes on their foreheads, in the shape of a cross. This symbolizes repentence for sins, and remembers Christ's sacrificial death on the cross. Similarly, Christians can also receive ashes on their foreheads if they are saved and baptized. From this day on until Easter Sunday, people observe Lent by giving up something they enjoy, whether it be a pleasure or a sin. For Christians, this is optional, and it is my first time observing Lent.
Lent is not meant to be a time where religious people show their own willpower by using their own strength to give up something. It is a time to notice something that has become pervasive, or overabundant in your life, and sacrifice your indulgence in that thing in worship to God. This has a lot to do with humility, in fact. Instead of the pride that many people associate with Lent, thinking "I can do with out this, I'm so good. Look at me," I believe God's heart in this time is to teach us more about dependence on Him and His strength in our hearts.
I decided with God last night to give up red meat for Lent, during this 46 day time-span. You see, steak is my favorite food, in fact, I've eaten a steak dinner 3 times in the last week. I eat red meat approximately every other day, and I notice it has become a staple in my mealtimes. With the motive of worshipping God, I am going to forego all red meat (burgers, pot roast, steak, pork...) for the next 46 days. When I crave my meat that I enjoy so much, I will intentionally turn my heart toward God in humility, worship and admiration. He is really all I need. My deep joy comes from Him alone. I look forward to this journey with God.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
10:02 PM
Yeah, I used the term. I actually googled it to make sure I used the right spelling...My boyfriend's geekiness might be rubbing off on me.
I am new to this.
I asked Aaron to help me make this blog, for one main reason. I want to blog when I go to India. Exactly six weeks from today, I'll be arriving in Ooty, a town in Southern India, to teach a 6-grade class there. Some of my experiences, discoveries and thoughts that I want to share with friends and family will be posted from now on.
This decision to go to India all by myself for 6 weeks is one of the most sure, God-led decisions I've ever made. Biola University offers the opportunity to complete the last 9 weeks of the student teaching semester overseas, anywhere. It's not a well-promoted program, so I heard about it through one classmate who, in passing, mentioned she was going to China last Fall. I said I'd be interested in going to India and finding out more about it, and she looked doubtful. "Tomorrow is the last day to apply for overseas student teaching in the Spring." I thought, and prayed, then turned in my completed application with a sure heart and steady soul.
I was accepted, and with in a month, given the name of a school in the country I requested: Beautiful India. I'll be teaching 6th grade in a boarding school that is Christian, not by name, but by ownership. I'm flying (in the air for about 23 hours both ways) alone, and living in India for 2 months with people I have not yet met. Teaching 6th grade for the first time is a scary thought, but also utterly exciting.
Preparing for this trip has been bringing up so many things within me so far. God is sifting through my heart with me, growing me in certain ways, and developing in me a deep desire for adventure with Him. Having gone 3 times in the past, I have a heart for this country. The photo above portrays a bit of my love for India, and I know my love for those precious children there will continue to grow over time.
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